Tuesday, December 29, 2020

The No-Fail 3-Step System to Figure Out Your Dream Remote Job

What’s your dream job? For many, this isn’t an easy answer to come by. But still, it’s an important question to ponder. This is especially true if you’re unemployed, unhappy at work, or considering a career change.

Even if you’re currently employed and doing okay, it’s still beneficial to know what your dream job is. In fact, it’s one of the first questions I ask my career coaching clients.

I ask this to get job seekers’ thinking about where they’re at in work. Are they happy? Unhappy? Where do they hope to go in the future? Most of the time, remote job seekers simply do not have a career plan or dream job in mind.

And that’s a problem.

When we don’t know what we want out of work, it leads to dissatisfaction and complacency. Not knowing what are dream job is makes it difficult to evaluate our current role Or, when at a crossroads in career or reached a dead end, it makes it impossible to make the right career pivot.

Knowing what our dream job is helps provide motivation and keeps us moving forward in our career. This forward momentum is important to professional satisfaction. Without it, we end up feeling complacent or as if something is missing. But we can never actually put our fingers on what that ‘something’ is.

Sound familiar? You’re not alone!

Meet Melissa

Melissa did everything the ‘right way.’ She went to college, graduated, and entered her chosen career path. Over the years, Melissa did well. Her performance reviews were on point. She was promoted. By all accounts, Melissa was thriving.

But, Melissa didn’t feel fulfilled. Often, she felt like she was spinning her wheels. That’s when she turned to me for help.

Melissa was successful on paper. Her colleagues loved her. Still, it wasn’t enough. Melissa needed personal satisfaction too.

That’s when I asked, “What’s your dream job?” To which she said, “I have no idea.”

Get Clear

Melissa was simply going through the motions. She did everything based on what she thought she should do and not what she wanted to do.

  • Graduate college? Check.
  • Get a job? Check.
  • Climb the corporate ladder? Check.

Outside of the basics, Melissa had no idea what she really wanted. So before we could identify her dream job, we first had to gain clarity.

Career Ideals

The easiest way to get career clarity is to establish your career ideals. What are career ideals?

Your career ideals are unique to you and help you find your dream job

Let’s take a closer look.

Your career ideals are what you want (and don’t want) from your career. They can be super specific, i.e., earn at least $75,000 a year with unlimited vacation policy. But they can be general too.

If you’re here visiting me, I bet one of your career ideals is “work remotely.” There are no right or wrong answers when it comes to your career ideals. But to get to them, it does require some self reflection.

I encourage you to take 15 minutes to complete this task. Seriously. Right now. Tell Alexa to set a timer for 15 minutes. Then open up a blank Google Docs or grab a pen and paper. Divide it into four columns and nine rows. Across the top write Area in Column 1, Can’t Have in Column 2, Must Have in Column 3, and Nice to Have in Column 4.

Now under the Area Column label each row as followed:

  • Salary
  • Job Duties
  • Skills Used
  • Benefits Offered
  • Hours/Schedule
  • Industry
  • Department
  • Commute

Your document should look something like this:

How to Fill In Your Career Ideals Worksheet

The eight labeled rows under the Area Column are the common career ideals categories to consider.

You’ll think about each category individually. Then jot down your Must Have, Can’t Have, and Nice To Have ideals. Let’s do one as an example:

Let’s look at the Salary Row. Think about what your next job in terms of salary. What can’t it have? What are must haves? Can you think of something that would be nice to have but isn’t necessary?

For me, I said my next job cannot be commission based or anything less than $50,000 annually. It absolutely must pay at least $50,000 and come with annual performance reviews that can lead to raises. As for nice to have, I prefer that it is an annual salary and not hourly wage. It would also be nice if the job paid $60,000 (or more!).

Make sense?

I’ll fill in the rest of the worksheet so you can see how it’s done.

Helpful reminders:

Think about previous jobs and jot down what you liked and disliked about the position. Often, it’s easier to come up with things you didn’t like — but remember, you need to figure out what you like too!

Your career ideals are not set in stone. In fact, they will change over the years as you progress through your career and life. For example, my career ideals changed quite a bit after I become a mom. I was more worried about hours worked and schedule flexibility than I was in the past.

There’s a reason you’re looking for a new job. It’s important you figure out why you’re unhappy in your current role and what would fix that. These are your career ideals. They will help drive your job search and make all the difference in finding your next job or landing your dream job.

Determine Your Remote Work Type

I’m always amazed by how specific we are when it comes to who we’ll date. Most singles will have a long list of traits they prefer. Heck, you can even ask someone what their “type” is and they’ll know immediately what you’re referring to.

Now, if you ask that same person what their remote work type is they’ll probably look at you with a puzzled look on their face like:

My remote work type?

As a career coach, it’s my job to help you figure out your remote work type. Your type will build off of your career ideals that you just discovered in the previous step. When you combine your type and career ideals — well that’s where the magic happens.

The two together paint a picture of your dream remote job. Remember, if you’re unhappy in work right now, we want to fix that. And the best way to fix that is by finding your ideal job, not just any old job.

Sure, you could find a remote job pretty quickly. But what are the odds you’ll find satisfaction and happiness there? Pretty slim! When you make a career change or pivot, it should be towards something that provides lasting satisfaction and happiness.

To do this, you need to find your career ideals and remote work type.

So, what is your remote work type? Let’s figure it out.

The 3 Types of Remote Jobs

Generally speaking, there are 3 main types of remote jobs:

  1. Employee
  2. Freelance
  3. Contract

They all have their unique pros and cons. You’ll use your career ideals determined in Step 1 to complete Step 2: Determine Your Remote Work Type

But before we do that, let’s look closer at each of the three remote work types.

Remote Work Type 1: Employee

Remote employees are hired on a W2 basis (here in the US). That means taxes are withheld from paychecks and you are entitled to certain benefits. For example, employees are often eligible for company-sponsored health insurance, paid time off, and other perks.

Employees usually have greater job security and stability. For example, most employees know well in advance what their schedule is like and what hours they’re expected to work for example Monday through Friday, 9 to 5.

Employees can be either full time or part time. It’s important to note, part-time employees may not be eligible for benefits!

On the flip side, remote employee positions don’t offer a ton of flexibility. Typically, you are expected to work set hours or shifts every week. You may also be required to provide (and keep) a quiet home office free of distractions. In other words work is your priority and you have to schedule life around it.

Remote employee positions are just like traditional in-office jobs. You wouldn’t bring your kids to the office or allow your dogs to tag along to work. Companies that hire remote employees expect that you’ll treat your home office just as you would an in-person cubicle. The only difference is, instead of a daily commute, you get to work from home.

If your career ideals include stability, health benefits, paid time off, advancement opportunities, set schedule, and steady pay, you’re remote work type is probably Employee!

Remote Work Type 2: Freelance

Freelancers are their own bosses. When you freelance, you sell your skills or services for a pre-determined fee. For example, you might freelance as a writer. You sell your writing services at a rate of $0.05 per word. If you write a 1,000 word blog post for someone, you charge them $50.

Freelancers are not employees. That means you do not have taxes taken out of your payments. Instead, you must remember to pay quarterly estimated taxes to the IRS. Also, freelancers are not eligible for benefits like health insurance or paid time off. You would have to get your insurance through Healthcare.gov, for example.

Because freelancers are not employees, they enjoy greater flexibility in how and when they work. In fact, freelancers can keep their own schedules and can work whenever or wherever they please.

Feel like sitting at Starbucks to work? Great! You can as a freelancer. Prefer to hit the road while earning a living? No problem! Freelancers can be digital nomads, working with nothing more than a laptop and wifi.

You can sell just about anything as a freelancer. Some popular freelance services include:

Keep in mind, freelancers have to find their own clients. It’s up to you to find potential clients, pitch your services to them, and secure them as clients. A good place to start is to create a freelance service website and scout leads on LinkedIn.

If your career ideals include flexibility in how and when you work, 100% telecommute, unlimited earning potential, and indifference to benefits, freelance would be a good fit for you! Remember, as a freelancer you don’t have to maintain a quiet home office or be available during standard business hours. Freelancing is often attractive to parents, caregivers, or those who want to pick and choose when they work.

Remote Work Type 3: Contract

Contractors are hired on a 1099 basis. At the end of the year, you’ll receive a 1099 showing “non-employee compensation” earned throughout the year.

Sample 1099 remote contractors receive

That means you need to track earnings and pay quarterly estimated taxes to the IRS. Similarly, you are not eligible for benefits like health insurance or paid time off.

When you contract with a company, you receive a steady stream of work. In other words you don’t have to find clients. Instead, the company you contract with provides work for you but might require that you complete a minimum number of hours each week.

Companies that hire remote contractors:

Contract roles offer greater flexibility than employee positions, but not quite as much freedom as freelancing. For example, if you contract with Appen as a Search Engine Evaluator, work will be provided to you but you have to complete at least 10 hours of work each week.

Similarly, a lot of transcription companies hire remote workers on a contract basis. These companies often require you to complete a set number of transcripts per week or be available to claim work during typical business hours.

If your career ideals include flexibility, stable pay, 100% telecommute, predictable schedule, and indifference to benefits, contract work would be a dream job for you.

What is Your Remote Work Type?

Now that you know all about the different types of remote work, it’s your turn. What type of remote worker are you?

Remember to take a look at your career ideals to figure this out. If health insurance through your job is a must-have, then employee positions are right for you. However, if your prioritize flexibility over all else, then freelance is more your style.

Only you can truly evaluate you and your ideals to determine your remote work type. If you’re not sure, refer to this handy flowchart. It will help:

Step 3: Set a Career Goal

Goal setting for your job search is important. I can’t stress this enough. Goals give us direction, purpose, and provide motivation. Plus, research shows that career goals provide these benefits:

  • Clearer focus
  • Optimum use of resources
  • Better use of time
  • Peace of mind
  • Clarity

Wouldn’t it be great if you could confidently enter your remote job search with a clear path of where you want to end up? Well, you can. All you have to do is provide yourself a goal. Doing so will help you make better job decisions, offer peace of mind, and free up time for job search activities that matter most. But you don’t want to set just any goal. Instead, give yourself a SMART goal.

What is a SMART goal?

SMART is a system for goal setting that stands for Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Realistic, and Timely. You will use your career ideals and remote work type to give yourself a SMART goal that will show you the way to your dream remote job.

The good news is, SMART breaks goal setting down into easy chunks.

This is important because most job seekers provide a very broad and general goal, i.e., “Find a work from home job.”

But now that you’re aware of your career ideals and remote work type, any remote job simply will not do. So, let’s set a goal that is SMART. First up, Specific.

Specific Remote Work Goal

Be sure to get specific and reference your remote work type when goal setting. Most remote job seekers simply say, “I want to find a work from home job.” But not you! You’re going to specify what kind of remote job you’re after using your career ideals and remote work type. For example:

I want to find a remote employee position in human resources at a non-profit. Now let’s build on that and make your goal measurable.

Measurable Remote Work Goal

How do you know when you’ve achieved a goal? If you don’t provide measurement, you’ll never really know. Let’s look at fitness for an example. If your goal is to get into better shape, how might you make that goal measurable? Well, you might say:

Lose 25 pounds

Run a 5k

Deadlift 150 pounds

See? Once you’re able to do that, you’ve reached your goal. So, how can you do the same when your goal is career oriented?

Well, you could say something like:

  • Get one job offer in writing
  • Apply to 5 jobs a week over the next month

Now your goal might be: Apply to five jobs a week until I receive one job offer in writing for a remote employee position in human resources at a non profit.

Hooray! Your goal is both specific and measurable. Now it’s time to see if it’s Achievable.

Achievable Remote Work Goal

There is nothing more defeating than giving yourself a goal that was impossible to achieve from the start. Doing so is literally setting yourself up for failure. Do not self sabotage. Instead, focus on giving yourself a goal that is achievable.

Let’s look at our example: Apply to five jobs a week until I receive one job offer in writing for a remote employee position in human resources at a non profit.

Are you able to apply to five jobs a week? If you’re a busy parent or caregiver, going to school, and/or working full time, applying to five jobs a week might not be achievable. If not, then scale it back to two or three.

Let’s look at our fitness example again. You wouldn’t say “lose 20 pounds in a month.” That’s setting yourself up for failure. Instead, you might say lost 1-2 pounds a week. This is still a challenging goal, but definitely not impossible.

Remember, your remote work goal should challenge you slightly but still be easily achieved with hard work.

Next, we’ll look at your goal to see if it’s realistic.

Realistic Remote Work Goal

Again, goals should be challenging but not impossible to reach. If you just graduated from college, you would give yourself a goal to get a remote job as the CEO of a large corporation, right? It’s just not realistic at the moment.

Similarly, if you want to make a career change that requires a new set of skills you might have to go back to school. If you don’t want to (or can’t) enroll in school, then your goal isn’t realistic.

Only you can decide whether your goal represents a career objective you are able and willing to work toward.

Timely Remote Work Goal

Lastly, you want your goals to be time sensitive. Why? Think about it, you spend most of your time accomplishing things that have a deadline.

  • Going on vacation on a specific day? You start packing that week.
  • Have a test coming up? You make sure to set time aside to study.
  • New Year’s Eve next week? You start figuring out party details.

When you give your goal a timeline, you’re more likely to spend time working on it.

By now, you created a specific, measure, achievable, realistic goal. Now, let’s make it timely.

You can easily do this by adding a specific start day and end date.

For example:

Starting January 1, I will spend the next six months applying to five jobs a week until I get one job offer in writing for a full time remote employee position in human resources at a non profit.

Boom! How’s that for a SMART goal?

Of course, you can revisit your SMART goal at any time. If the six months is up and you still haven’t reached your goal, that’s okay. You reevaluate, reset, and re-start your goal.

That’s the beauty of SMART goals. They are not set in stone. You can change them as needed or break them down into much smaller action steps.

Find Your Dream Remote Job

That’s it! My three-step, fool-proof system to help you identify your dream remote job. Because you don’t have to settle for any remote job. You can shoot for the stars and get the remote job that makes you happy and provides satisfaction.

Now that you know which remote job is perfect for you, how about you start your job search?

I highly recommend The Effortless Remote Job Search. For just $27, you get lifetime access to the e-course that teaches you where to search for real remote jobs so you can avoid scams and pyramid schemes.

The course is totally self-paced and purposefully split into bite-sized lectures. In a matter of minutes, you’ll know exactly where to find thousands of real remote jobs. The best part? You don’t have to spend a ton of time searching so you can spend more time applying:

The post The No-Fail 3-Step System to Figure Out Your Dream Remote Job appeared first on Work From Home Happiness.

* This article was originally published here

Monday, December 28, 2020

How to Avoid Remote Work Burnout

INSIDE: If you're asking the question, “what is remote work burnout,” then you probably have it. Read on to learn what it is and what you can do about it. Working from home is the dream of many. You can avoid traffic, annoying coworkers – for the most part – and, hopefully, spend more time […]

The post How to Avoid Remote Work Burnout appeared first on The Work at Home Wife.

* This article was originally published here

Sunday, December 27, 2020

Postmates Review: How Much Can You Make with Postmates?

Postmates is a fantastic way to earn a little extra money on the side. In this Postmates review, you’ll discover everything you need to know and just how much you can make! What is Postmates? If this is your first time hearing about Postmates, let’s look at what it is a little closer. Postmates is […]

The post Postmates Review: How Much Can You Make with Postmates? appeared first on The Work at Home Woman | Legit Work From Home Jobs.

* This article was originally published here

Monday, December 21, 2020

Budget-Friendly Home Office Upgrades

Many of us spent a lot more time than planned in our home office spaces in 2020. For some people, it was their first experience living in the dual-reality of working from home. Perhaps you quickly found out that your home office space wasn’t as accommodating as you had hoped.  The vast majority of telecommuters […]

The post Budget-Friendly Home Office Upgrades appeared first on The Work at Home Wife.

* This article was originally published here

Monday, December 14, 2020

Top Tips for a Successful Remote Interview

INSIDE: Looking for some tips for a remote interview? In this article, you'll learn common questions that are asked, how to present yourself in a remote setting, how to make a great first impression, and some video interview tips. Good luck to you!   I won’t lie. Interviews can be a drag, maybe even more […]

The post Top Tips for a Successful Remote Interview appeared first on The Work at Home Wife.

* This article was originally published here

Sunday, December 13, 2020

6 Ways to Make Money with a Low-Traffic Blog

It’s no secret that blogging for money isn’t as easy as it used to be, especially in 2020, when it seems like there are already a million other bloggers doing the same thing as you. However, that doesn’t mean there aren’t feasible ways to make good money as a newer blogger with a low-traffic website.  […]

The post 6 Ways to Make Money with a Low-Traffic Blog appeared first on The Work at Home Woman | Legit Work From Home Jobs.

* This article was originally published here

Tuesday, December 8, 2020

How to Start a T-Shirt Business with Teespring

Have you ever thought about starting a t-shirt business? Maybe you’ve wondered how easy or complicated it would be to design your own t-shirts to sell online.  When you think of selling t-shirts from a traditional standpoint, you may picture someone setting up a booth at an event or fundraiser and selling customized shirts on […]

The post How to Start a T-Shirt Business with Teespring appeared first on The Work at Home Woman | Legit Work From Home Jobs.

* This article was originally published here

Monday, December 7, 2020

Work from Home Providing Customer Support for Electric Bike Users

by Chris Durst        Dec. 7, 2020

ModSquad has just posted openings for Customer Support Reps to help customers with questions about electric bikes.

These positions involve phone, email, and chat contacts, so you’ll need to be comfortable functioning in all three ways (you cannot request “chat only”).

You must be available to work at least 10 hours per week.

Pay rate is not mentioned for these contractor positions.

Here’s what ModSquad has posted about this opportunity:

“Our client believes simplicity, efficiency and sustainability can be synonymous; that’s the beauty of electric bicycles. By redefining urban mobility, we can transform our relationship with the environment and promote a lifestyle that cultivates the well-being of both.

This project needs a Tier 2 customer service specialist to be the voice of the company and guide each customer through the purchasing experience. We will provide support through emails, chat, and phone calls.

Ideal skills needed:

  • The ideal Mod must have strong phone CS [Customer Service] skills.
  • The ideal Mod can handle technical support inquiries and should feel comfortable delivering expert knowledge of the brand, products and services.
  • Familiarity with Zendesk and Shopify is a plus.
  • Prior experience with bicycles and e-Bikes is a plus, but not required.
  • The ideal Mod must have a quiet environment to make and take phone calls.

Hours of operation:

  • Monday through Friday: 9:00 am-1:00 pm and 2:00 pm-4:00 pm Pacific Time
  • Saturday 1:00 pm-3:30 pm Pacific Time
  • Mods must be available to work on weekends.

Mods must be available to work at least 10 hours per week.


  • Remote patch management and endpoint security software installed by ModSquad

All interested candidates will receive a response within two weeks.”

CLICK HERE for full details and to apply. For more jobs like these, see our Daily Jobs & Gigs page. To be the first to hear about jobs like these, like our Facebook page and check your feed for our posts. May you be working from home soon!

PLEASE SHARE this post – turn your friends into Rat Race Rebels!

The post Work from Home Providing Customer Support for Electric Bike Users appeared first on Work From Home Jobs by Rat Race Rebellion.

* This article was originally published here

Thursday, December 3, 2020

Get Excited About Tax Season for a Change – Tax Giant Jackson Hewitt Now Hiring Remote Client Care Reps

by Chris Durst          Dec. 3, 2020

Jackson Hewitt, the tax-prep company, is looking for seasonal (up to 6 months) Client Care Representatives.

This job involves helping their clients and potential clients via phone calls or web chats.

The pay isn’t stated, though online reviews say it’s about $12/hr. But that’s not official.

No state hiring exclusions are posted in their job listing!

Here’s what the company has posted about this opportunity:

“At Jackson Hewitt, we are working hard for the hardest working and we are on a mission to completely change the way our customers engage with their personal finances. Jackson Hewitt combines the fun, fast-paced culture of a startup with the scale and reputation of one of the nation’s largest retailers (over 6,000 locations).

We have a passion for our employees and our customers. We recognize and appreciate that our team members are our single greatest competitive advantage. Being an industry leader requires a consistent focus on quality, innovation, performance and results.

The Client Care Representative 1 position is responsible for providing a world class experience to Jackson Hewitt current and potential clients by answering calls or web chats in a Work at Home Contact Center environment. You will resolve 1st Tier level interactions via phone and chat, or escalate to Tier 2 upon Client request or applicable resolution path.

This is a Seasonal Position with a duration up to 6 months.


  • To perform the job successfully, the individual must be able to execute each essential duty satisfactorily. Other duties, assignments and specific projects may be assigned at the discretion of executive management.
  • Use available tools, knowledgebase, and communication skills to effectively research and transmit accurate information with a goal of resolving the Client’s reason for contact in one call.
  • Take ownership in assisting, researching, resolving, or escalating Client issues.
  • Must demonstrate excellent grammar, spelling, and punctuation abilities.
  • Verbally de-escalate and handle difficult Client situations.
  • Understand and implement new information and procedures efficiently and professionally.
  • Understand detailed policies and procedures and explain these to the Client in a manner which is easily understood.
  • Utilize multiple systems to access Client information, research issues, educate and solve the Client’s reason for contact.
  • Accept and implement Quality and Performance Management Coaching / Feedback.
  • Handle and hold secure confidential and sensitive Client information.
  • Diligently and accurately document Client records and cases.
  • May be asked to assist with other program support including email, web chat, co-browse, outbound and other support initiatives.


  • High School Diploma or GED required.
  • Proficiency in Microsoft Office, Contact Center applications, quality monitoring tools and applications, center reporting tools and technologies.
  • 1 to 2 years of relevant Contact Center experience.
  • Proficiency with learning new technology and system applications.
  • Excellent computer navigation and data entry skills Strong communication skills and solutions orientated Must demonstrate excellent voice quality, inflection and present a professional, courteous, patient demeanor and the ability to maintain a confident, friendly and helpful tone in conversation.
  • Bi Lingual Spanish a plus.


  • Work from Home PC and Network must meet or exceed Minimum Specifications to all Contact Center Applications.
  • Keying / typing, sitting, standing, walking.
  • Constant mental and/or visual attention; the work is either repetitive or diversified requiring constant alertness in a
  • Work at Home Contact Center environment.
  • Compliance with company attendance standards.
  • Reasonable accommodations may be made to enable individuals with disabilities to perform the essential functions.
  • FLSA status: Seasonal, Hourly, Non-Exempt.”

CLICK HERE for full details and to apply. For more jobs like these, check our Newest Jobs & Gigs page. To be the first to hear about jobs like these, like our Facebook page and check your feed for our posts. May you be working from home soon!

PLEASE SHARE this post – turn your friends into Rat Race Rebels!

The post Get Excited About Tax Season for a Change – Tax Giant Jackson Hewitt Now Hiring Remote Client Care Reps appeared first on Work From Home Jobs by Rat Race Rebellion.

* This article was originally published here

Wednesday, December 2, 2020

Simple Ways to Earn Free Gift Cards (Updated for 2021)

With major holidays on the horizon and birthdays and other gift-giving celebrations happening year-round, it’s always a good idea to be working toward free gift cards. There are all kinds of ways to earn free gift cards, especially online and through apps. Below are a few of my favorites: 1. Swagbucks I’ve written about Swagbucks […]

The post Simple Ways to Earn Free Gift Cards (Updated for 2021) appeared first on The Work at Home Wife.

* This article was originally published here

200+ Work from Home Jobs at Aetna, Comprehensive Benefits

By Michael Haaren, Co-Founder, Rat Race Rebellion – Dec. 2, 2020

As Aetna continues to grow their work from home program, you can find many jobs on their careers page on any given day. As of now, they have 200+ jobs listed as “potential telework position.”

Current roles include Customer Service Representative, Case Management Coordinator, jobs for RNs and Social Workers, and many more. Job openings change regularly. So if you don’t find a fit today, be sure to bookmark their page and check back.

Benefits – Aetna’s employee benefits include:

  • Medical (a health savings account or a health reimbursement option)
  • Dental
  • Vision
  • Flexible spending accounts
  • Life insurance
  • Paid time off and disability
  • Personal and family wellness
  • Savings and retirement benefits

To see the current openings, start here > Click “Advanced Search” > Select “Yes” from the “Potential Telework Position” drop-down menu > Click the “Search” button at the bottom of the form. For more jobs like these, check our Newest Jobs & Gigs page. To be the first to hear about jobs like these, like our Facebook page and check your feed for our posts. Good luck in your work from home plans!

PLEASE SHARE this post – turn your friends into Rat Race Rebels!


The post 200+ Work from Home Jobs at Aetna, Comprehensive Benefits appeared first on Work From Home Jobs by Rat Race Rebellion.

* This article was originally published here

Tuesday, December 1, 2020

Make Up to $17/Hr Supporting Intuit Customers Online From Your Home

by Chris Durst       Dec. 2, 2020

In our recent Facebook Live interview with Mary Susan Costa, Director of Virtual Talent at Working Solutions, we learned that the company needs “1,000s of agents by DECEMBER 18th” to work on their Intuit Customer Service account.

They have two types of roles:

  • Customer Service Representative
  • Seasonal Customer Service Agent

The company accepts independent contractors from all states except California, New York, Pennsylvania and Washington.

Current and past agents with the company rate their experience with 4.7 out of 5 stars on Glassdoor. Along with feedback from RRRebels who work with Working Solutions, it seems that, overall, people are positive about contracting with the company.

Here’s what the company has posted about these two opportunities:

Intuit Turbo Tax – Customer Service Representative
“This is a remote independent contractor role which provides personalized tax preparation software support through inbound phone calls and video customer service and technical support, handling technical support questions via phone, with video capability. Help customers who are working on tax returns with both product and software inquiries, as well as with tax software questions and calculations. Focus on interactions regarding software navigation, plus assist customers with locating prior years’ returns and amendments. Accurately assess customer requests outside of preference scope of work and route to appropriate team for customer resolution. Works in a fast-paced, work-at-home, customer service environment.


  • Excellent verbal and written communication skills.
  • Positive attitude, flexible and adaptable to change.
  • Ability to research, navigate and locate answers from webpages and resources independently in a variety of different situations.
  • Ability to effectively communication, based on a customer’s mindset.
  • Demonstrate a sincere desire to assist customers and put their needs first.
  • Contractors will be asked to commit to a minimum number of hours and may work more.The client’s operating hours are 7 a.m. to 11 p.m. CST, Monday through Sunday. Peak times fall between January 26 to April 15.


Education and Experience:

  • At least 1 to 2 years’ experience in a high-volume customer service role (i.e. call center, retail or similar environment).
  • Familiarity with operating systems, including Windows OS versions and/or Mac OS versions. Ability to install/uninstall applications. Ability to download products/applications using various browsers.
  • Experience using accounting or tax software and having prepared own taxes in the past are a plus.”

Intuit Turbo Tax – Seasonal Customer Service Agent
“This is seasonal, work-from-home job, you will provide personalized, tax-preparation software support. While we need agents now, the peak times will be from January 26 through April 15. You’ll do inbound phone calls and video chat customer service and technical support, handling technical support questions via phone, with video capability. Help customers who are working on tax returns with both product and software inquiries, as well as with tax software questions. Focus on interactions regarding software navigation, plus assist customers with locating prior years’ returns and amendments. Accurately assess customer requests outside of preference scope of work and route to appropriate team for customer resolution. Work from home in a fast-paced, customer-service environment.


  • Excellent verbal and written communication skills.
  • Positive attitude, flexible and adaptable to change.
  • Providing top-notch customer service skills while guiding callers to the right solutions for their specific needs.
  • Ability to research, navigate and locate answers from webpages and resources independently in a variety of different situations.
  • Ability to effectively communicate, based on a customer’s mindset.
  • Demonstrate a sincere desire to assist customers and put their needs first.
  • Contractors need to be flexible with scheduling and willing to work during the client’s operating hours of 7 a.m. to 11 p.m. CST, Monday through Sunday.


Education and Experience:

  • At least 1 to 2 years of experience in a high-volume, customer-service role (call center, retail or similar environment).
  • Familiarity with operating systems, including Windows OS versions and/or Mac OS versions. Ability to install/uninstall applications. Ability to download products/applications, using various browsers.
  • Experience using accounting or tax software in the past. Having prepared own taxes a plus.”

CLICK HERE to learn more and to apply. For more jobs like this, check our Newest Jobs & Gigs page. To be the first to hear about jobs like these, like our Facebook page. Good luck as you make your work from home plans a reality!

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The post Make Up to $17/Hr Supporting Intuit Customers Online From Your Home appeared first on Work From Home Jobs by Rat Race Rebellion.

* This article was originally published here

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